Rowan of Rin : the journey

Rodda, Emily

Emily Rodda

Series: Rowan of Rin; All 5 books in one
Journey: Rowan of Rin; Rowan and the travellers; Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal; Rowan and the Zebak; Rowan of the bukshah. 597 p. : maps 24 cm All five books in the Rowan series bound into one volume Reprint. First published: 2004 Rowan of Rin -- Rowan and the Travellers -- Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal -- Rowan and the Zebak -- Rowan of the bukshah Rowan is an unlikely hero. The sturdy people of Rin see him as a timid weakling. Yet Sheba, the unpredictable old wise woman, sees in him a special quality not possessed by the other villagers. Time after time Rowan must save his people and prove himself by embarking on a dangerous quest where his success depends on his ability to solve Sheba's cryptic riddles. The sequence of five quest stories builds to an extraordinary climax as slowly the pieces of the puzzle come together to reveal the truth about Rin Rodda, Emily Rowan of Rin
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ISBN:1862914745 9781862914742 9781862915923